Emily Update - 12.15.16

My dearest Comrades,



I hope you have enjoyed the air of mystery over the last few months. Sometimes Emilyland is like Brigadoon.


Emily had chemotherapy today. She is still on the same type of chemotherapy and continues to tolerate it very well. This medication will be administered every three weeks for the foreseeable future until it stops working. That will not be anytime soon because Emily is really doing very, very well!


I am pleased to report we are still being put in our private treatment room because we are not well bred or refined enough to be put in the regular group treatment room. But honestly fuck them because if you can’t cackle with laughter and talk about the differences between 1970s and modern day pubic hair grooming styles in a cancer treatment room, where can you I ask? (I mean, other than the oval office in a few weeks.) I make sure to steal a little packet of almond butter from the regular treatment room (I’m allowed in to get water and magazines) just to show them!


As a reminder, Emily still has lung cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy (which is cumulative) and she does suffer from severe fatigue. She so wants to do so many of the things she is invited to do but that level of activity does not support her health and well-being.  I ask for your assistance in helping her curtail her activities and commitments.


To close, we wish you all a joyous holiday season. We certainly are having one.

Abigail SimsComment